Verbose Logging

software development with some really amazing hair

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Archives for 12/2010

Import Delicious To Google Bookmarks

· Posted in Software
You may have heard, but Delicious is getting the boot. I left Delicious long ago, because it never did anything for me. Yeah I could bookmark things, share them, whatever. I never went back to the bookmarks though. I wanted my bookmarks to work seamlessly with how I used the web. That means, it had to work with Google. Back in the day I used Google Bookmarks back when I was evaluating bookmarking apps in 2008 (when I settled on Delicious) and it…

kindlebility Open To The World

· Posted in Software
In my previous post, I talked about kindlebility, my little nodejs application for sending articles to your Kindle. It was initially just built for one person, but then I was like “screw it”, and opened it up to the world. I gave it a nice(ish) front page, an explanation, and a builder for the bookmarklet. I used zepto for the Javascript stuff, and the Google Font Directory for some nice fonts. All you need to do is drop either of your Kindle em…